Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid
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Controlling currents through molecular wires

Sigmund Kohler, Jörg Lehmann, and Peter Hänggi
Superlatt. Microstruct. 34, 419 (2003)

We investigate the possibility of controlling by external laser fields both the current through molecular wires and the corresponding noise properties. It is found that a proper off-resonant driving field reduces the coherent transport across the molecule resulting in a strong current suppression. The relative level of transport noise, being characterized by a Fano factor, exhibits characteristic maxima and minima near regimes of current suppression. In a three-terminal configuration, the field allows to steer the current selectively towards one terminal.

[ICMM-CSIC] [Condensed Matter Theory]
last modified: 10.3.2025 by Sigmund Kohler